
Asia-Pacific Group provides a comprehensive set of integrated professional services for Chinese companies intending to invest in businesses, technology, or real estate in America, and for American companies looking to extend their product, market and technology reach into China.

Management News and Opinion
Reciprocal Journal

Professional Services, Projects, Alliances
Executive Management

Asia-Pacific Group provides a comprehensive set of integrated professional services for companies seeking to expand their international reach in finance and technology.

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Sponsored Organization
The Future: Business Fusion with Peace

Global Peacemakers
honored in Honolulu

Press Release

Charlie Gay, former Director of National Renewable Energy Lab,
joins Galaxy Magnesium as Senior Executive, Chief Science Advisor

Galaxy and Panoz – Magnesium Intensive Vehicles
at the SRO Championship in Milwaukee

Magnesium in Electric Vehicles:

Magnesium Automobile Technologies


Asia-Pacific Group is an investor in the China-US joint venture,
Galaxy Trade and Technology, which is focused
on buliding the global magnesium export market.

Asia-Pacific Group celebrates
the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of Modern China

Asia-Pacific Group forms Joint Venture
for Magnesium Exports from China

APG Supports Delegation from China
to the United Nations

Revenue Royalties Introduced in China

Joint White Paper on Royalties Published in China and USA

Resources include experts in the following fields:

  • corporate and government finance through revenue royalties
  • technology assistance, market access expansion
  • investment banking
  • mergers and acquisitions
  • corporate, tax and estate planning
  • volatility hedge strategies
  • commercial and residential real estate
  • wealth management
  • life insurance
  • US Visa preferences, including EB-5, L-1, student
  • delegation tours
  • currency transfer
  • intellectual property licensing
  • education at primary, secondary and advanced levels
  • cultural education, community relations
  • U.S. health care, special medical evaluation services

The company has extensive resources and relationships throughout mainland China, including central and provincial governments, leading law firms, judicial districts, bar associations and universities, private trade and investment groups, and visa experts.

APG has offices in Honolulu and Beijing, with affiliates in Seattle and New York.

APG’s mission is to identify superior investment opportunities for Asians in America, and to ensure that all their professional services are properly coordinated, to ensure success, control cost, expedite decisions and minimize risk.

Asia-Pacific Group is a member of Asia-Pacific Network.


Beijing Office:
Oriental Plaza, Tower D, Suite 383
No. 1 East Chang An Ave. Dong Cheng District
Beijing 100738, China
att’n Xiaofang Zhou

Honolulu Office:
900 Fort Street, Ste.1200
Honolulu, HI 96813 U.S.A.
att’n Michael North

Seattle Office:
1001 4th Avenue Suite 4400
Seattle WA 98154
att’n Tobin Butcher

Asia-Pacific Group supports the important work
of the non-profit organization, the
Zhou Enlai Peace Institute

and the “Right to Peace” program at the United Nations